Guidestar Seal
The Association is proud to support the celebration of the Corps' 250th anniversary.
The Association is proud to support the celebration of the Corps' 250th anniversary. For 250 years, the United States Marine Corps has served honorably in every clime and place. Founded on Novermber 10, 1775, in Philadelphia, PA, the Marines have fought from the shores of Tripoli to the valleys of Afghanistan - always the most ready when the nation is least ready. anniversary.
Coming from all walks of life, Marines are fored by the fires of the Crucible, turning everyday citizens into adaptive warfighters with problem solving skills and a willingness to win agaist any adversary. No matter their ranks, Marines stay true to the uncompromising standards found their core values of honor, courage, and commitment.
Those who have worn the uniform continue to serve their nation and their Corps through their lived examples of our values, leading the way in business and their communities, and embodying the spirit of "Once a Marine, always a Marine." HQMC has events planned out for the enire year. Visit their dedicated site to learn when and where the Corps is showing up. MARINE CORPS 250.
BLUU KAZI, is one of The Association's staunches supporters. They have created a unique opportunity for Marine Veterans, a NEW CAREER IN CYBERSECUTIY. They provide all the training, at NO COST to you.
Servant leadership is my hallmark, I spent over 22 years on active duty in the United States Army, serving my country but even more importantly, serving those with whom I served. When I first entered the military, at the age of 20, I was clueless about what I was getting into but I was certain I had to get away from home to expand my view of the world. I became bored with the education system and no longer felt that I was being challenged. The things that I was being taught at the university level were things I could learn on my own by opening a book and reading. My way of thinking had outgrown the formal education system and I was frankly frustrated with a failing system. Read the full story and learn more on how you can make the transition, READ STORY
Did you know the highest unit honor in the Marine Corps JROTC is the "Marine Corps Reserve Association" Unit Award. Seen here is the Marine Corps JROTC program at Haverhill High School, Haverhill, MA receiving the prestigious Marine Corps Reserve Association designation as one of the top four programs in the nation in 2024! “The effects of the Marine Corps JROTC program reach far beyond the classroom and into the community in developing character, leadership, and civic responsibility in tens of thousands of America’s kids. Marine Corps JROTC, at its essence, is a character education program. The program keeps kids in school, helps them find their way during the turbulent teenage years, and assists them in becoming productive members of their community. Our program produces young men and women who are ready to accept the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship. We are rightfully proud of our contribution to America’s future and thankful for the dedicated instructors, staff, school administrators, and communities whose hard work and commitment make the program’s success possible. ” “Eagle Globe and Anchor Award.” To view the 2024 winners, click here.
Bipartisan legislation designed to end an unfair pay offset for tens of thousands of combat-injured veterans has earned overwhelming support in the last two sessions of Congress. But for the 118th Congress to include the Major Richard Star Act (H.R. 1282/S. 344) in the next National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – a move which would send a clear message of support to the all-volunteer force – advocates must overcome cost concerns. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
CEO, Ken Hopper represented The Marine Corps Reserve Association at The American Legion’s Veterans Inaugural Ball on Jan. 10 in Washington, D.C. The American Legion honored 22 Medal of Honor recipients, one of them being Sergeant Major Allan J. Kellogg, Jr., pictured with Ken.
The Association would like to acknowledge those who have committed to supporting The Association at the Benefactor level. Their support will fulfill our promise to the men and women who sacrifice for our freedom - Today - Tomorrow. Become a Benefactor Today!
To read the current MCRA By-Laws, members should click here.
The MCRA latest PODCAST focuses on the career ofCol David Leighton, USMCR (Ret). In this PODCAST we will hear why Dave joined the Marine Corps; his training to become a Marine and a Naval Aviator. Listen to what Vietnam was like during the Corps' first "Advisory" mission in 1961. We hear about the Corps build-up and flying combat missions in 1966. Dave will also discuss the Association from the 1970s to today. This is a PODCAST you do not want to miss, from an American warrior who has served his country for over 60 years. Col David Leighton PODCAST
We now have 11 new PODCASTS for your enjoyment. Please listen and leave a comment to improve our content. Best, we would appreciate it if you were to share. SPOTIFY PODCASTS MCRA YOU TUBE PODCASTS
On this date, LtCol Commandant William W. Burrows rode with president Thomas Jefferson to look for "a proper place to fix the Marine Barracks on." President Jefferson was a personal friend of the Commandant, and deeply interested in the welfare of the Corps and accompanied Burrows on horseback on the morning of 31 March. They chose a square in Southeast Washington, at 8th and I streets, because it lay near the Navy Yard and was within easy marching distance of the Capitol.
Jacob Zeilin, Colonel Commandant of the Marine Corps from 30 June 1864, was this date promoted to the rank of Brigadier General Commandant, the first time Congress authorized this rank for the Marine Corps. The statute, however, was repealed in June 1874 so that the rank of Commandant would again revert to colonel upon Zeilin's retirement.
The 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade landed at DaNang, Republic of Vietnam as the first U.S. ground combat troops to be committed to that conflict. The 3,500 men arrived both across the beach with Battalion Landing Team 3/9, and at DaNang Airfield with Battalion Landing Team 1/3.
Marines participated the action when the Continental Navy frigate Boston, enroute to France, sighted, engaged, and captured the British merchant ship Martha. As the drum of the Boston beat to arms, John Adams seized a musket and joined the Marines on deck until the frigate's captain, Samuel Tucker, sent him below for safety.
The first group of 71 Women Marine officer candidates arrived at the U.S. Midshipmen School (Women's Reserve) at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts. The Navy's willingness to share training facilities enabled the Marine Corps to begin training Marine Corps Women's Reserve officers just one month after the creation of the MCWR was announced.
The first woman Marine to report to Vietnam for duty, Master Sergeant Barbara J. Dulinsky, began her 18-hour flight to Bien Hoa, 30 miles north of Saigon. MSgt Dulinsky and the other officer and enlisted Women Marines that followed were assigned to the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) based in Saigon. Most worked with the Marine Corps Personnel Section providing administrative support to Marines assigned as far north as the DMZ, but two Lieutenant Colonels, Ruth Reinholz and Ruth O'Holleran, served as historians with the Military History Branch, Secretary Joint Staff, MACV.
After 35 days of bitter fighting, the amphibious assault on the rocky fortress of Iwo Jima finally appeared over. On the night of 25 March, however, a 300- man Japanese force launched a vicious final counterattack in the vicinity of Airfield Number 2. Army pilots, Seabees and Marines of the 5th Pioneer Battalion and 28th Marines fought the fanatical Japanese force till morning but suffered heavy casualties -- more than l00 killed and another 200 American wounded. Nearly all of the Japanese force was killed in the battle.
The 5th Marines, supported by the 2d Battalion, 7th Marines, in the first full day of fighting after the Chinese assault the previous evening of Outpost Vegas on Korea's western front, counterattacked to regain enemy-held positions. Companies E and F of 2/7, down to only three platoons between them, managed to regain partial control of Outpost Vegas that day.
Haverhill High School
Fontana High School
Making The Transition From The Uniformed Services to a Career in Cyber Security
By - Dion Edwards, MAJ, United States Army (Ret) Read More
NEW MEMBER JOB PORTAL The Association has joined forces with Bluu Kazi to provide a job placement platform. This platform is now live. This platform is dedicated to assisting Marines in finding new opportunities, building connections and discovering educational opportunities. Members will be able to upload resumes, search current opening positions, and receive educational assistance to prepare you for your transition to civilian life or to prepare you for a transition to a different line of work. Simply click on the photo above and begin your new journey.
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