Marine Corps/DoD News

Haverhill High School

Haverhill High School

Haverhill, MA - Region 1

Oorah to our HHS MCJROTC! For the 2nd year in a row, they have been selected as Best Unit in Region 1 by the MCRA!

Marine Corps Junior ROTC Outstanding Unit Award (MCRA)
“The effects of the Marine Corps JROTC program reach far beyond the classroom and into the community in developing character, leadership, and civic responsibility in tens of thousands of America’s kids. Marine Corps JROTC, at its essence, is a character education program. The program keeps kids in school, helps them find their way during the turbulent teenage years, and assists them in becoming productive members of their community. Our program produces young men and women who are ready to accept the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship. We are rightfully proud of our contribution to America’s future and thankful for the dedicated instructors, staff, school administrators, and communities whose hard work and commitment make the program’s success possible. ”
“Eagle Globe and Anchor Award”

In conjunction with HQMC, the Association has sponsored this award for 35 years. Again this year, four outstanding high schools, one from each of the four Regions, were recognized. The Association coordinated with members in the local area to present the award on behalf of the Association. Cadet Participation judges the MCRA Award in a variety of events, including Inspection, Citizenship, Scholastic Achievement, and Extracurricular Events. Included in the MCRA are 4 Regions with 67 MCJROTC Programs in Region 1.

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