Pentagon Spokesman Discusses ISIS Preliminary Plan, Budget Amendment

Thursday, March 23, 2017 / Legislative News

By Cheryl Pellerin DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2017 – Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will present a preliminary version of the Pentagon's new plan to rapidly defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria during a meeting of the White House Principals Committee today, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said here this morning.

The Cabinet-level senior interagency forum, which usually does not include the president, already has received copies of the classified report, which Davis described as a framework for a broader global plan. President Donald J. Trump requested the plan in a Jan. 28 presidential memorandum. Full story click here.

President Trump seeks big jump in defense spending

Thursday, March 23, 2017 / Legislative News

By Ken Bredemeier February 27, 2017

U.S. President Donald Trump called Monday for a $54 billion annual increase in defense spending, describing the 10 percent jump as a "landmark event," a message aimed at assuring the world of "American strength, security and resolve."

Speaking to U.S. governors at the White House, Trump said, "We must ensure that our courageous servicemen and women have the tools they need to deter war and when called upon to fight in our name, only do one thing, win."

The new president said the United States has to "start winning wars again," recalling that in his youth in the years after World War II, Americans

U.S. agrees to pay affected by toxic water at Camp Lejeune

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 / VA News

The federal bureaucracy moved at an agonizing crawl for the Marine Corps veterans sickened by the contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. Some died waiting for government benefits. But the Department of Veterans Affairs Thursday, after more than a year of work, finalized rules that will allow potentially thousands of veterans stationed at the base — or surviving spouses — to receive automatic benefits if they have been diagnosed with one of eight diseases.

This marks the end of a long wait for many veterans who have been denied benefits by the VA and may be in desperate need for disability pensions and medical care. The estimated cost to taxpayers over the next five years is $2.2 billion. FULL STORY CLICK HERE

National Defense Authorization Act 2017

National Defense Authorization Act 2017
Sunday, January 8, 2017 / Legislative News

The US House & Senate have agreed to a National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2017

115th Congress takes office

Tuesday, January 3, 2017 / Legislative News

Today, the 115th Congress has been sworn in with the republicans taking control of both the House and Senate. This is the first time in decades since republicans controlled both houses of congress and the White House. 

More info HERE

Legal loophole allows companies to fire military reservists who go to war

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 / Legislative News

Kevin Ziober was a lieutenant in the Navy Reserve in 2012 when he received deployment orders to Afghanistan. On his last day of work before leaving, dozens of co-workers gathered for a sendoff. There was a cake and balloons. And then, Ziober says, he was summoned to the human resources office — and fired. Read rest of the story

An Army Buddy's Call For Help Sends A Scientist On A Brain Injury Quest

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 / VA News

The first time Kit Parker's phone rang, everything seemed fine. It was January 2006, and Parker's old Army buddy Chris Moroski was calling to say hi.

Parker and Moroski had jumped out of airplanes together in the 1990s when they were paratroopers in the National Guard. But after the attacks on Sept. 11, Parker had been deployed to Afghanistan, his friend to Iraq. They'd lost touch.

"Somehow I realized he's asking for help," Parker says. "It's not being verbalized, but that's why he's calling." Click here to find out how this scientist discovered how a blast effects the

'Shell Shock'—The 100-Year Mystery May Now Be Solved

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 / VA News

A landmark study sheds new light on the damage caused by “blast shock”—the signature injury of wars for more than a century.

A research team in the United States may have solved a mystery that has haunted soldiers and veterans for more than a century: how blast force from battlefield explosions injures the human brain.

The findings, published Thursday in the medical journal the Lancet Neurology, reveal a unique and consistent pattern of damage in the autopsied brains of eight military service members who had served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Middle East.  Full story,click here

NDAA 2017 Support Needed!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 / Legislative News

We urge you to contact your Senators to support the current NDAA that is being debated in Congress. Some key points you need to be made aware of:

Latest VA reform pitch would put medical facilities under a nonprofit

Latest VA reform pitch would put medical facilities under a nonprofit
Monday, July 4, 2016 / VA News

A Washington state lawmaker has proposed placing all Veterans Affairs Department medical facilities under a nonprofit entity and giving all new veterans access to private health care.
